Security and prosperity demand
We grow public support for partnership across differences.
The Center for Peace Communications works through media, schools, and centers of spiritual and moral leadership in the Middle East and North Africa to roll back divisive ideologies and foster a mindset of inclusion and engagement.
Whispered in Gaza
Video testimony of
life under Hamas
Hezbollah’s Hostages
The Story of a
Silenced People
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As part of its Program for Learning in Partnership, the CPC convened Iraqi, Israeli, and Syrian experts in their region’s water scarcity crisis to jumpstart cooperation.
To support development in Syria’s liberated northeast, the Arab Council aided local engineers to remove landmines and boost agricultural yields — with help from an unlikely teacher.
“Peace Among Neighbors,” a CPC production, brought together performers from Tunisia and Israel and a lyricist from Yemen in a song for peace and friendship among Arabs and Jews.
As women lead a wave of people-driven change in Iran, the Arab Council convened a panel of female activists in neighboring Iraq to discuss their plans.